
Corporate Games

The basic building block of the Know Me™suite is the Master Game, which enables players to encounter one another as individuals and to understand other players in terms of their personal values, views and experiences, rather than their status, race, gender or position in the organization.

  It is the Master Game that lays the foundation for ongoing relationships based on mutual trust and open communications.

The Master Game contains all the playing equipment, the Facilitator's Guide and the Master Game cards.

The other Know Me™ games build on the Master Game foundation. The corporate games enable players to address issues critical to the organizational life and success of the group.  Each of these games contains only the cards for its specific topic:


The Teamwork Game enables players who work closely together to address factors influencing their effectiveness as a team.

The Diversity game enables players from different groups (whether defined by culture, race, gender, status, sexual orientation or any other criteria) to exposure issues of diversity together.

The Organizational Assessment game enables members of one organization to address factors influencing the climate, direction and effectiveness of that organization.

The Career Management game enables individuals to explore and improve their career development strategies and skills.

The Change & Transformation game enables participants to address factors influencing change in their organization.

The Quality and Service game enables a group to address factors within the organization that influence the attainment of standards of excellence.

Leadership game enables participants to address factors influencing leadership effectiveness.

"In my opinion, the area of greatest 'lack' in homes, businesses and places of learning, is our inability to communicate with each other with integrity.  Know Me is without doubt the safest and most effective process... to promote authentic communication." 
Mike MacFarlane, South African trainer, facilitator


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