


    1. Since the process had to be fun, the obvious format was that of a game.  The playing process had to be simple and relatively familiar so that participants would concentrate on their personal interactions, not the rules.  We therefore decided on a board game.

    2. The Johari Window model of disclosure and feedback was already widely used and respected.  This provided the ideal skeleton on which to construct the game's exchange of perspectives (the score cards are a 'hand-on' lesson in the Johari Window in operation).

    3. Limiting play to groups of between 4 and 6 per board ensures that the focus is distributed (not one-on-one), but that discussion remains intimate.

    4. Dividing participants into small groups enables a facilitator to use the game with very large groups.

    5. Taking turns ensures that the game is not dominated by the more confident or outspoken players.  In fact it is a feature of Know Me ™ that the more reticent players are equal participants.

Content & Process

Early Development in S.A.

Subsequential Development in Canada


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